Vacation Watch – Contact NOCUPP Officer

Before you put your out of office on your work email and go fully into vacation mode, here is a Summer Travel Home Checklist that a couple of our NOCUPP Board Members helped us compile. As they said, it is a list they wish they didn’t learn from personal experience!

1.) Request a Vacation Watch by texting the NOCUPP officers (call or text officer with your name, address, dates away to get on the schedule).
2.) Submit a hold mail request. You can do this either on-line or at the post office. You can also ask a neighbor to check the mail for you.
3.) Ask a trusted neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your home. They should:
– Bring any deliveries inside where they are safe from porch thieves.
– Enter your home a few times to look for these items:
– Check the thermostat to spot HVAC problems. (Bonus points if you leave a contact for them to call if the HVAC needs attention!)
– Look for signs of water leaks. Make sure they know where to find your water meter key. If there is a leak, have them use your water meter key to turn off your water at the meter. If the leak continues, it could be a problem with drainage from your HVAC.
Don’t know if you have a water key? Now is the time to check! A water key allows you to remove the cover where your water line is connected to the water meter so you can turn off the water to a home, if necessary.